
To learn more about what you can expect from Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT), please click here for a range of audio files offered by the Compassionate Mind Foundation.

To learn more about how our human brains work to make us happy, or unhappy, please click here to listen to "The Neuroscience of Happiness" with Dr. Rick Hanson.

Audio Files for Clients

These links are to audio files for clients. These files are meant to accompany the work that clients are engaged in, and are not intended to be stand-alone interventions. However, if you would like to learn more about the kind of work involved in compassion focused therapy please feel free to listen to the files.

Soothing rhythm breathing - this practice helps us harness the power of our breath to soothe and calm ourselves

Compassionate colour - this is an imagery practice that uses our brain's ability to imagine things (and it's inability to know the difference between reality and what is imagined) to move toward soothing

Calm place - this is another imagery practice that involves imagining a place that is soothing and calming and using our senses to deepen our experience of being in a soothing place

Compassionate self - this practice helps you to step into and develop your compassionate self

The ideal compassionate image - this practice helps us to imagine our ideal image of compassion offering us comfort and support

Loving kindness meditation - this practice uses metta phrases or wishes to bring some soothing to your day


If you would like to learn more about CFT please visit the series of talks given by Prof. Paul Gilbert, developer of CFT, by clicking here.

Compassion in CFT means that we are sensitive to and engage with our suffering, and we also make a commitment to try to relieve it. Please click here to watch a brief video about the power of engaging with your emotions.

Compassion also involves working with the parts of ourselves that we may not like. Here is a fascinating talk about how to be with those parts of ourselves in a helpful way. 

This brief animated video demonstrates the power of learning to move your spotlight of attention and use imagery to change how you feel.